MEDICA is the world’s largest and most important trade fair in the medical field. For more than 20 years ZENIT, the innovation agency of North Rhine-Westphalia, has been organising a brokerage event in cooperation with other European and international partners of the Enterprise Europe Network. In recent years the brokerage event has always had about 350 participants from about 40 countries with 700 pre-selected and agreed meetings at MEDICA.
The aim is to support companies, universities and research institutions in finding partners in Europe and worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution/technology partnerships, financing/investment, public buyers and research cooperation in the medical field. All areas of medicine/technology and healthcare are covered.
The year 2020 is a very special year. The effects of the COVID-19 virus are commonplace for all of us, especially when we work in the health sector. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 conditions, we will not be able to organise the cooperation exchange in 2020 at the MEDICA trade fair, but purely virtually. This has the advantage for you that you do not have to travel, but can participate comfortably online. We also offer more meeting days and additional online events.
Traditionally we had 3 meeting days during MEDICA. This year there are 4 days during MEDICA, 2 days before MEDICA and 5 days after MEDICA We hope that with the greater flexibility you will have more opportunities for bilateral talks.
ECHAlliance Digital Health Ecosystem Network – Internationalising Opportunities for Digital Health Start-ups 19th November 11:00-12:30 CET
This session will be moderated by the European Connected Health Alliance who are the Global Connector for Digital Health. ECHAlliance have over 50 Ecosystems globally and specialize in connecting the dots in digital health.
ECHAlliance Ecosystems are permanent, multistakeholder gatherings that are geographically focused and have patients and citizens at their heart leading with the need. By bringing all the stakeholders together our ecosystems break down the silos in health care; transform digital health and social care and most importantly create economic opportunity.
In this session you can learn more about our model and hear from some of our German Network of Ecosystems about how they work with us to gain access to international opportunities. We will also feature case studies of how our members connect up the dots globally to grow their business opportunities.
Organiser: Andy Bleaden
Introduction to the session
Andy Bleaden, Director Ecosystems and Membership ECHAlliance
What are ECHAlliance Ecosystems
Andy Bleaden, Director Ecosystems and Membership ECHAlliance
Medical Valley Ecosystem
Benjamin Stöcklein, Head of International Service at Medical Valley EMN e.V
Digital Health Rheinland Ecosystem,
Alexia Zurkhulen, Project Manager and Researcher at gewi-Institut für Gesundheitswirtschaft e.V.
Digital Health Ecosystem Health4all Hess
Natalia Korchakova-Heeb, Managing Director at SDG.17 Consulting GmbH
Using Ecosystems to Internationalise – Example:
Ester Sarquella, Business Development Director for Digital Health. Tunstall Healthcare
Questions and answer session
ECHAlliance members have 25% discount. Please contact to get your discount code.
In addition, we are planning webinars, presentations etc. for the first time during the platform. These events are still being planned. You will be informed or invited about these additional activities via the website.
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland