Environments for co-development and EU funding possibilities

Environments for co-development and EU funding possibilities

Starts at:

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 - 12:00

Ends at:​

Tuesday, 24 May 2022 - 17:00

Environments for co-development and EU funding possibilities

Welcome to an online afternoon on 24th May that highlights environments for co-development within health and life science and possible interregional funding for collaboration in the Northern periphery and Arctic region. The event is organised by the SOLH-project (Support Office for Life Science and Health) in collaboration with ECHAlliance.

During this event we will present some of the established development labs and environments in the north of Sweden and Finland. These are important infrastructures for innovation and health system resilience. How can we in collaboration strengthen their capacity? We will highlight the possibilities with interregional funding programmes and discuss needs as the basis for project ideas. There are many ways for stakeholders to participate, and you are welcome to contribute. The Support office for Life science and Health will host the event and also assist in the further process. 

When: May 24th 13:00 CET – 16:00 CET 

The event will be held in English.

For whom

Researchers, health- and social care professionals, representatives for companies, clusters and patient groups, technical and behavioural experts etc. We especially invite stakeholders from the Interreg program area of Aurora and the Northern Periphery and Arctic (Greenland, Island, North of Sweden, Finland, and Norway as well as Ireland)  


Part 1: Co-development environments 

13.00 How you can participate and available support

13:10 Presentations of the co-development environments  

14:00 Coffee break 

Part 2: Information about project funding for life science collaboration 

14:10 Interreg Aurora programme  
Gabriel Bölske, Programme Officer  

14:25 Interreg Northern Periphery and Artic programme  
Mikael Johansson, Regional Contact Point Sweden 

Part 3 Project idea development

14:40 Discussion in stakeholder groups  

Coffee break 

15:30 Presentation of results

15:50 Summary & next step

16:00  End of day


The SOLH-project (Support Office for Life Science and Health) in collaboration with ECHAlliance.

Parties in the SOLH-project are the Innovation Office at Umeå University, Region Västerbotten, Umeå University Holding AB and Luleå University of Technology. The European Regional Development Fund, Region Västerbotten and Umeå municipality co-fund the SOLH project.   

The European Connected Health Alliance is a global network of more than 750 member organisations. In Northern Sweden we are now building a regional node in the area of connected health. The network can contribute to the region by creating a foundation for international networking and more funding for research and development through focused collaboration.


Sara Nilsson
Phone +46703038101 

More about Interreg Aurora and NPA

Interreg Aurora is a brand new programme in the European Interreg community for cross-border cooperation 2021-2027. The programme offers great opportunities and enables new and exciting cross-border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi. Total budget 157 million euro. Interreg Aurora calls are open: June 21st –Aug 31st. Deadline September.

Interreg NPA, the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme has provided a framework for regions to work together with a focus on promoting sustainable development in remote and sparsely populated communities and types of activities that are deemed to benefit most from transnational cooperation between the regions in the NPA area. The final budget of the Interreg NPA Programme is 51,5 million euro. The First Call for main projects is planned to open on 27th April 2022 and close on 20th June 2022. 

More about the established development labs and environments 

Region Västerbotten, Livsmedicin Test bed   

Umeå university, UMeHealth Lab 

Luleå university of Technology, Aktivitetslaboratoriet 

Kalix Municipality, Visningsrummet 

Oulu Health, Multible lab environments

Kuopio Health, Living lab 


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