EHealthWeek Croatia gathers more than 1,000 high-level delegates from all EU member states and will be co-organised by the Croatian Ministry of Health and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). This year’s programme and discussion covers the themes of: Trusted Information: Ensuring & Protecting Actionable Data
  • From Data to Knowledge:The Right Standards = The Best Information
  • GDPR: Patient Friend or Foe
  • Let’s Go Dutch! Unconferencing
  • Improving My Data Quality
Lifelong Health and Care for all: Data Driven and Citizen Centric
  • The Case for Citizen Centric Care
  • Building a Bigger Tent: No Citizen or Need Unrecognised
  • Implementation Science for Mental Health
  • Meaningful Analytics for Life Long Care
  • The New Policy for Research and Innovation in the EU
Transforming Health & Care: Futureproofing with Innovation & Investments
  • 2050 – Preparing the Workforce
  • Keys to Innovation Success
  • How AI Is Improving Integrated Care
  • Innovation to Market Delivery: EC Guidelines For Investor Success
  • One EMR or Multiple?
  • Global Standards for Information Governance
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