The 23rd ISfTeH International Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth
The 23rd Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth
“Health communities facing cyber transformation”
15.-17.3.2018 – Cruise on the Baltic Sea between the capital cities Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden
Welcome to participate the major International telemedicine and eHealth event in 2018. Conference will cover themes from updating the knowledge about International and Nordic eHealth trends and solutions. The program is aimed at health care professionals and service providers as well as researchers in eHealth area. Conference offers unique meeting place and new information to physicians, nursing staff as well as to responsible persons for management, planning and education. Top quality international keynote lectures are accompanied by up-to-date scientific abstracts. Conference is arranged in collaboration with The Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth and The International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. Conference will cover themes from updating the knowledge about International and Nordic eHealth trends and solutions. Conference topics:ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland