Digital Health Malta Ecosystem Gathering

Digital Health Malta Ecosystem Gathering

Starts at:

Monday, 29 April 2019 - 07:00

Ends at:​

Monday, 29 April 2019 - 16:00

Digital Health Malta Ecosystem Gathering

‘Digital Health Innovations for Better Healthcare’ Key representatives from patients, academia, government and industry have been working over recent months to explore the creation of the Digital Health Malta Ecosystem (DHM-Eco). We are pleased to announce the establishment of the DHM-Eco in partnership with the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) and the Commonwealth Digital Health Centre. Agenda: Ecosystem Gathering 09:30 – 13:00 (Speaker & Topics below)  The topic for this gathering will be ‘Digital Health Innovations for Better Healthcare’. The multi-sector stakeholder Ecosystem will seek to identify and discuss key challenges and ensure that we are aware of opportunities as they arise. We will also present the Digital Health capability and capacity for innovation in Malta and look at ways to collaborate across the International Ecosystem Network. Networking Lunch & Pop-Up Exhibition 13:00 – 14:00 Small Island Development Workshop 14:00 – 16:00 Following a networking lunch, we offer an afternoon workshop focused on the Commonwealth Small Island Development Programme (CW-SIDP) The workshop will explain the CW-SIDP objectives and allow attendees understand the programme and consider potential opportunities and challenges for Digital Health. Speakers & Topics: Digital Innovation through Academic ICT 
  • Dr Conrad AttardUniversity of Malta ICT Patient perspectives on the need for innovations for better healthcare
  • Mary Vella, President, Association of Rheumatoid Arthritis (ARAM) and MHN Representative
Clinical Perspective on Digital Health Innovations
  • Dr Hugo Agius Muscat, Consultant, Public Health Medicine
Open Electronic Health Records – International Perspective & The Slovenian Ecosystem
  • Tomaz Gornik, Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation
Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health and Small Island Health Programme/Initiative
  • Anoop Singh, Chief Operating Officer, Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health
Why, What and How of an International Digital Health Ecosystem Network
  • Damian O’Connor, Director Ecosystem Development, European Connected Health Alliance
Get involved during an Exercise to capture attendees’ views on a range of Health Priorities !
Promote your organisation free of charge!  Bring along a pop-up banner Thank you to our hosts IEEE Malta Section and IEEE Computer Society Chapter for supporting this gathering. We look forward to welcoming you on the day. If you have any questions please contact damian@echalliance.com


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