We are delighted to once again be part of the Connected Health Conference 2019 which takes place in Boston, MA, on 16-18 October 2019.
Now in its 11th year, the Connected Health Conference (CHC) exists to pave the path in creating health interactions that are nimble, insightful, personalized, consumer- and provider-friendly, and enabled by innovative technologies that are market-ready and poised to change the face of care.
CHC has a rich tradition of bringing you the latest thinking, emerging applications and technologies, undiscovered entrepreneurs and proven leaders in connected health. This year’s Connected Health Conference program creates a dynamic learning and networking environment, showcasing forward-thinking approaches and technologies that are driving integration of connected health into consumer health and care delivery.
Exciting panels
This year we’ll be hosting 3 panels during the conference on 17 October:
• Sustainable Communities: Engaging Citizens in Data-Driven Design for Health and Well Being (Digital Health Across the Lifecycle)
• GDPR in Motion (Policy, Regulatory, Ethics)
• Digital Tools for Dementia and Alzeimmer’s; Design Advice form the Trenches
About the sessions
Sustainable Communities: Engaging Citizens In Data-Driven Design For Health And Well Being
Thursday 17 October – 12:40pm – 1:30pm
Harborview 2/3
This session will explore the ways citizens can be activated and empowered through co-designed initiatives that leverage digital tools and data to create safer, healthier communities and reduce the burden on conventional healthcare delivery and public health services. The panel will focus on the power of data and co-design to enable transformational, sustainable change.
- ECHAlliance Speakers: Professor Mahmood Adil, Medical Director NHS National Services Scotland and Janette Hughes, Director of Planning & Performance Digital Health & Care Institute Scotland
- Moderator: Bleddyn Rees, Deputy Chair at ECHAlliance.
Digital Tools for Dementia and Alzheimer’s; Design Advice from the Trenches
Thursday 17 October – 1:40 – 2:30
Harborview 2/3
Cognition has many dimensions, such as reasoning and problem solving, memory, attention, orientation and spatial awareness. Given these complex and interrelated factors, what best practices can be defined for developing digital tools for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s or cognitive impairment? Panelists will also whether and how such tools should be designed with caregivers in mind, and discuss tools or features achieving measurable results.
- ECHAlliance speaker: Nicola Cooper, Digital Director Alzheimers Scotland
Thursday 17 October – 3:40pm – 4:30pm
Harborview 2/3
Panelists will discuss the impact of GDPR on health data management and usage in the EU and the complexity of handling protected health data in a multinational organization. The panel will focus on how organizations have aligned internally to develop best practices for compliance and data use, and will ask, “how useful is protected health information under GDPR?”
- ECHAlliance Speakers: Dr Ali Loveys, Managing Director EY Advisory Services (US) leads digital health and blockchain and Ain Aaviksoo, Medical Director Guardtime.
- Moderator: Bleddyn Rees, Deputy Chair at ECHAlliance.
Discount codes
Members of ECHAlliance are eligible for exclusive registration
discounts of up to 50% admission. Contact
Heather@echalliance.com for further information
Designing for Healthy Habits & Better Outcomes
The devices, data and market demand are in place to support a major shift in human health through connected health technologies. The Connected Health Conference is where the future of health resides.
At the Connected Health Conference you’re among experts and peers who understand the challenges and goals in advancing connected care from an array of perspectives, including:
HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS Ambulatory decision-makers, physicians, RNs, and physician practices |
GOVERNMENT & ACADEMIA VA, DoD, academic medical centers, OCR, SSA |
PAYERS Private and public health insurance plans and related stakeholders |