The dates for the next HL7 FHIR Connectathon have been announced.
Phase 3 of the HL7 Vulcan Accelerator / Gravitate Health Electronic Product Information (ePI) Track will be held virtually on May 2 to 4, 2022.
This ongoing series, spanning multiple Connectathons, is testing the exchange and display of electronic Product information (ePI) and the International Patient Summary (IPS) as FHIR documents. Each phase will include increased levels of product information and increasingly complex healthcare/life scenarios.
Join us if you are an app developer, electronic health record vendor, business developer, or pharmaceutical company staff interested in developing ideas and solutions. Registration is available through April 18, 2022 here.
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland