“Welcome to the Future” is a top-notch TED-like event consisting of 3 visionary talks, 1 central keynote and feedbacks from 2 active listeners.
First two speakers are young outstanding world famous Slovenian scientists both living and working in the USA. The third speaker is a prominent global head of personalized medicine at Genentech/Roche. Our fourth speaker is a leading European patient advocate:
Jure Leskovec, a professor at Stanford with a global star status in machine learning and artificial intelligence. At 39 he is seen as a leading authority in the analysis of social media. Besides Stanford he is employed by Pinterest as a chief scientist, after he sold his spinoff to them.
Marinka Žitnik, recently named the world’s best scientist in applying AI to medical data and precision medicine. She is lecturing at Harvard Medical School. Her perfect 10.0 grades at the graduate faculties of both mathematics and computer science still cause astonishment. She also cooperates with Jure at Stanford.
Mark Lee, global head of personalised medicine at Genentech/Roche, also at Stanford. He is an oncologist. Mark’s role is to bring the transformative potential of meaningful data at scale and advanced analytics to accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of new medicines and the personalization of patient care.
Bettina Ryll, founder of the Melanoma Patient Network Europe and, until December 2018, Chair of the ESMO Patient Advocates Working Group (PAWG), also an MD and a PhD. She has both extensive knowledge of rapidly developing area of personalised healthcare as well as personal experience of the damage illness causes.

In the opening talk, Jure Leskovec will introduce the internet as a telescope on human lifestyles and behavior and the role of digital footprints in research and innovation.
Hereon Marinka Žitnik,will take the stage to show how science already sees technology when studied at scale, from the perspective of the best medical school in the world.
Mark Lee will then present the how data about a person can change the whole process of health care, not only in the curative phase, but also in the predictive and profilactic phases. He will describe the state-of-the-art is in the discovery, development, and delivery of new medicines and the personalization of patient care.
After all three speakers paint the personalized medicine canvas from the grand background (Jure) to the exciting motive (Marinka) to the intricate detail of a master painter (Mark), we give the stage to the patient advocate (Bettina).
Bettina will speak about personalised healthcare through the eyes of the patient advocate. She lost a close relative in 2012, to melanoma, after which the doctrine improved so rapidly that patients with similar conditions today enjoy a much better chance of recovering. The obvious need is to spread innovation as rapidly as possible, while also retaining sustanability of healtcare systems.
After Betina we will have two active listeners to provide an applied humanistic view of the science presented in the first part.
The active listeners list is:
- Marko Pokorn, one of the most respected Slovenian physicians, author of a hit sitcom, columnist, fresh head of Pediatric Clinic in Ljubljana UMCL
- Lenart J. Kučić, one of the most respected young journalists in Slovenia, covering fields of technology, sociology, human rights
Moderated by
Tjaša Zajc, a seasoned young medical journalist with a globally recognized digital health podcast (Faces of Digital Health) about how healthcare systems adopt technology. She is an experienced medical journalist, moderator and digital health expert who regularly covers topics about the most advanced technologies and innovation in health and life sciences. She has guests from all over the globe and is also a regular visitor of conferences the world over.
The audience will consist of carefully selected and personally invited individuals who could share our vision and understand the potential of personalised healthcare today and in the future (decision makers, HCPs, payer, influencers, journalists, academics, IT solutions providers etc.). We estimate 50 to 100 invitees. The remaining tickets, from 50 to 100, will be sold to individuals. These tickets will be sold in batches. This is how we will raise the expectations and optimize the intake. The whole intake will be afterwards transferred to cancer patient association or to a charity NGO (Onkonet association as a candidate, but TBD).
Place and Time:
12 March 2020 with beginning at 14:00 in Štihova Hall in Ljubljana’s Cankarjev dom.
The venue is a circular 250-seat hall, which perfectly suits the purpose.
In Slovenian and English, with simultaneous translations.
After-event reception will be done in a venue nearby, TBD.
Nina Remškar, nina.remskar@roche.com, 00 386 41 395 465
Mojca Cvirn,
mojca.cvirn@tp-lj.si, 00 386 41 775 817
Gregor Cuzak,
gregor@echalliance.com, 00 386 41 455 554