Meet others who are interested in online prevention and promotion for physical activity and mental health. Get information about opportunities for collaboration and financing in the area. Find collaborations and partners and plan future applications, primarily within Horizon Europe.
How can digital solutions help us promote physical activity and prevent mental illness in times of great societal challenges?
Together, we discuss common interests in prevention / promotion for physical activity and mental health to continue working with.
Patient/citizens groups, researchers, clinicians, and small and medium-sized companies are given the opportunity to meet each other and various support organizations. The goal is to continue working together towards applying for funding for co-working projects that will develop healthcare in this area.
We primarily turn to stakeholders in Västerbotten and Norrbotten and the program will be in Swedish but we welcome all who wants to join.
13.00 What resources are available for support and help
Information about, among other things:
Support for researchers, companies and clinics who want to apply for funding in collaborative projects.
Network for the development of new solutions in collaboration in health, care and nursing through the possibilities of digitalisation.
Collaborations, finding partners and international market.
Mats Falck, Project Manager, Support Office for Life Science and Health
P-O Egnell, Operations Manager, Centre for Innovation and eHealth, Luleå University of Technology
Karl-Erik Johansson, Project Manager, Enterprise Europe Network, Uminova Innovation
13.30 Opportunities for collaboration and financing in Horizon Europe
Nadine Schweizer, National Contact Person (NCP) for the areas of Health and Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and the Environment, Vinnova
13.50 Pause
14.00 Physical activity to promote good health – what is going on in Västerbotten
Cecilia Edström, Health Developer and Physiotherapist, Public Health Unit Region Västerbotten
Emma Wasara, Health Developer and Psychologist, Public Health Unit Region Västerbotten
14.25 What challenges and interests do you have?
Discussion and opportunity for participants to share.
14.50 Next step
Which parts of prevention/promotion for physical activity and mental health are relevant to continue working with? How do we take the next step to get applications together?
15.00 End
ECHAlliance The Global Health Connector: Connecting the dots between people, knowledge and innovation
Connected Health Alliance CIC, NISP Innovation Centre, Queen’s Road, Queen’s Island, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT3 9DT
ECHAlliance CLG, 20 Harcourt Street Dublin, D02H364, Ireland