DHE Project Webinar Funding Opportunities for Digital Health in 2021-2027

DHE Project Webinar Funding Opportunities for Digital Health in 2021-2027

Starts at:

Friday, 18 June 2021 - 09:00

Ends at:​

Friday, 18 June 2021 - 16:00

DHE Project Webinar Funding Opportunities for Digital Health in 2021-2027

In the framework of the Digital Health Europe (DHE) Project, funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, the Central European Initiative is organizing a webinar entitled Funding Opportunities for Digital Health in 2021-2027 on next June 18th, 2021.

Over the years, the Central European Initiative has built a wide network of partners and stakeholders through the implementation of projects and initiatives, both as donors and beneficiaries, in the field of health, digital and social innovation.

The objective of the is to provide information on the opportunities and content of the upcoming calls of the Digital Europe Programme. Through the event partners wish to involve different organisations to present their needs and ideas to promote also potential match-making and future partnerships. The participation of Digital Innovation Hubs from all round Europe, and particularly from CEI countries, will be promoted.

The event will open with a presentation on the project itself and the funding support services that DHE offers. The programme will continue with an overview on the objectives of the Programme from the EC DG Connect. An overview of the Digital Health in Central and Eastern Europe will be provided by WHO Europe. Brief presentations from the CEI network’s organisations will then focus on needs, ideas and potential proposals that can be developed on different aspects of digital health related to the content of the mentioned calls.

For more information about the project click here.


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