
Eureka Call for project in AI and Quantum technologies (10 countries)

Eureka Call for project in AI and Quantum technologies (10 countries)
Funding news

Deadline: 01 Jul 2019

Within the EUREKA initiative, the call is based on mutual consent between the participating funding bodies:

  • FFG (Austria),
  • VLAIO, Innoviris & SPW-EER (Belgium)
  • NRC IRAP (Canada),
  • IFD (Denmark),
  • ISERD (Israel),
  • CDTI (Spain),
  • Innosuisse (Switzerland),
  • KIAT (South Korea),
  • Tübitak (Turkey),
  • Innovate UK (UK)
  • Special focus

Participants are invited to submit applied research and innovation project proposals in the following thematic domains:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Quantum Technology/Quantum sensing 

Eligibility criteria

In order to apply to the present call, the partners must meet the following qualifications:

  • The consortium should include at least two (for profit) independent companies from two of the participating countries. The participation of research institutes/universities is welcome according to each country’s funding regulations.
  • The project partners must express their willingness to cooperate, on a win-win/fair basis in the development of a new product, industrial process or service.
  • The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
  • The project must have a civilian purpose.
  • The project should benefit all involved partners in a well-balanced consortium.
  • The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technologic cooperation between the participants (e.g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
  • A signed consortium agreement is mandatory before the actual start of the project. The consortium agreement should at least include the ownership and use of know-how and IPR settlements
  • The duration of the project may not exceed 36 months.
  • Any partner whose collaborative industrial research and innovation project is consistent with the aforementioned criteria can apply to the present call in accordance with their own laws, rules, regulations and procedures in effect, on a non-exchange of funds basis, and subject to budgetary availability.

Each participating funding body may apply additional eligibility criteria based on their national regulations. Applicants are strongly advised, prior to submitting the application, to contact their funding body (see below) to discuss their project idea and check the eligibility of the project.

Partners from other EUREKA countries or countries outside of EUREKA can also participate, but funding must be secured within the deadlines for the call. 

Submission and approval procedures 

In order to apply for this call the following documents are mandatory:

EUREKA Project Form

The project consortium should fill out the project description in the ‘EUREKA Project Form’ . The form must be completed in English.

For this call specific instruction for filling out the ‘EUREKA Project Form’ is available (see Section 8 of the call text). The project consortium is strongly advised to follow this instruction and describe all necessary elements in the form as requested. You can contact your EUREKA national office to get support preparing the document 

Annex 1 – Additional Project Information

Additionally, the project consortium has to fill out and submit Annex 1  with additional project information not included in the official EUREKA Project Form.

Annex 2 – Project Budget per Partner

The template for the budget must be used.

Annex 3 – GANTT diagram

There is no formal format for the GANTT diagram, but the individual WP, milestones and partners must be clearly visible in the GANTT format used.

Members wishing to access these document annexes can download them directly below :


 Annex 1 Additional Project Information


 Annex 2 Partner Budget


 Pitch proposal

The completed EUREKA application form, Annex 1, budget, GANTT diagramme and document with signatures should be sent to with subject: AI&QT multi-lateral call 2019 before 1. July 2019, 17:00 (CET) at the latest. The email subject line should read: “AI&QT multi-lateral call 2019.

In parallel to the submission of the EUREKA project form (both PDF editable version and a scanned signed version), all project partners are required to submit national funding application, if required, to their respective funding bodies, taking into account all relevant national procedures and submission rules. Deadline for submission might differ between the participating funding bodies (see below for detailed information per funding agency). 

More information about this call is available here including the country specific information here


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