Transylvania Ecosystem Gathering

Transylvania Ecosystem Gathering

Starts at:

Thursday, 7 November 2019 - 00:00

Ends at:​

Thursday, 7 November 2019 - 23:59

Transylvania Ecosystem Gathering


Meet & Match Healthcare Innovation at the Transylvanian ECHAlliance Ecosystem Meeting

When: 7.11.2019
Where: Hotel Golden Tulip Ana Dome (Str. Observatorului 129, Cluj-Napoca) Collaborating entities:
  • ADR Nord Vest
  • EITHealth through FreshBlood HealthTech Community
  • European Connected Healthcare Alliance
Special Guests:
  • Beata KURUCZ – Regional Manager EITHealth Innostars (TBC)
  • Andy BLEADEN – DIRECTOR Ecosystems and Membership ECHAlliance
  • Flaviana ROTARU – President  – RoHealth Cluster
09:00 Opening: NW RDA Welcome – Marcel BOLOS – General Director NW RDA FreshBlood Healthtech Community Welcome – Ion-Gheorghe PETROVAI EITHealth Welcome – Beata KURUCZ – EITHealth Innostars Regional Manager
  09:30 – Why development through smart specialisation in Healthcare Cristian OTGON NW RDA – 20 Minutes
  10:00 – Session 1 – DIGITALIZATION AND GROWTH OF COMPANIES Key tips for successful projects funding  Moderator: Ion-Gheorghe PETROVAI – FreshBlood HealthTech Community Bianca MUNTEAN – Transilvania IT Cluster Cristian OTGON – NW RDA   11:00 –  Session 2 – COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES 
Andy Bleaden – Director Ecosystems and Membership ECHAlliance ECHAlliance International Network – Its time to connect the dots Alberto Villar Ferrer – Galician Health Ecosystem
  12:00 –  Networking Lunch   13:30 – Session 3 – FUNDING HEALTHCARE INNOVATION – Coordinated by FreshBlood & ECHAlliance Regional&European Opportunities – Ioana DRAGOȘ –  NW RDA – 20 Minutes National Opportunities – Flaviana ROTARU – RoHealth &Frontier Consulting 20 Minutes European Opportunities Andy BLEADEN – ECHAlliance – 20 Minutes Project Funded: Project X – Dr. Alexandru FLOARES –  SAIA – 15 minutes
14:45  Session 4 – Funding your healthcare innovation project  – key tips for success 
Andy BleadenDirector Ecosystems and Membership ECHAlliance ECHAlliance International Network
  15:00 – Networking coffee break   15:30 – Session 5 Universities: key innovators In healthcare Coordinated by FreshBlood & EITHealth Project InnoCare – Prof. Doina PASLA – 15 minutes Project Cancer Detection – Conf. Roxana BOTH -15 minutes Project „Crspr tech for rapid sepsis detection“ – Prof. Dr. Ioana NEAGOE – 10 Minutes iDay Winning Team Pitch – 10 Minutes
  16:30 – Session 6 – Place of Universities in Healthcare Innovation (moderated panel discussion) – 30 min Moderator: Beata KURUCZ – EITHealth Regional Manager Prof. Doina PASLA – UTCN Dr. Mihai MELNIC – CTT UMF Prof. Razvan Chereches – UBB/Public Health/Center for Healthcare Innovation   17:00 – Closing of the meeting
17:00-19.00 – Networking CocktaiL
  ECHAlliance members wishing to attend should contact heather@echalliance.com


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