Region South Denmark Ecosystem Gathering

Region South Denmark Ecosystem Gathering

Starts at:

Thursday, 5 December 2019 - 09:00

Ends at:​

Thursday, 5 December 2019 - 09:00

Region South Denmark Ecosystem Gathering

  Guard scheduling is a time-waster, and therefore there is a great demand for intelligent guard scheduling solutions in the welfare sector. Come and join us when Welfare Tech invites you to Smart Guard Planning on December 5th. The event is open to all, and the goal is to connect users and providers of automated data-driven security scheduling solutions. The event is for anyone who experiences challenges with guard planning as well as knowledge and educational institutions who have the latest knowledge or work with future employees in the care and health field.   The event is part of Walfare Tech’s WIN and VISE projects , but is open to all.

Event kickstarter new network

At the open event Smart Guard Scheduling on December 5, the foundation is laid for a network where the contact between users and suppliers of intelligent security systems is expanded. Over the winter, three additional events will be held, with only Welfare Tech members invited.    The purpose of the network is to shed light on the challenges that employees and janitors encounter in everyday life. At the events, solutions will be presented that are adapted to the current picture in the care and health sector. In addition, the educational institutions in the field will describe future employees and their needs.

Focus points for the Smart Guard Schedule network

The solutions in the network will focus on:
  • Employee involvement and retention
  • Employees and leaders of the future
  • Automation and intelligent use of data
  • Resource consumption and driving
  • Fast changing tasks
  • Different competences of the employees

Audience for Smart Guard Scheduling

For both the event on December 5 and the subsequent network meetings, the target group will be managers and employees working on guard planning as well as providers of solutions and educational institutions that have the latest knowledge in the field.

Purpose of the day

The event will kickstart the Smart Guard Schedule network. The purpose is to create networks and possible collaborative relationships. During the day, we spotlight current and upcoming challenges and solutions in digital data-driven janitorial planning.


10:00 – 10:20  Arrival, coffee and tea 10:20 – 10:30 Welcome to Welfare Tech.  Deputy Director Søren Parmar-Sielemann welcomes and talks about a few of Welfare Tech’s ongoing projects, where non-clinical data – as with electronic guard scheduling – is a key element. 10:30 – 11:45 Outline of the present image – challenges now and in the future.  By Associate Professor Thomas Stidsen, DTU, who has been part of three projects on crew planning. And PhD student  Elin Bodvarsdottir, who is working on the project “Flexible nurse-guard planning” 11:45 – 12:30 Lunch and networking 12:30 – 13:15 P itch from vendors of intelligent guard scheduling solutions. Questions from participants.  13:15 – 13:30 Presentation of upcoming events in the network Smart Guard Scheduling.    

More information and to register here


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