
A review of successful initiatives and models on Patient Summary standards in mHealth apps

Published on: 14/10/2019

A review of successful initiatives and models on Patient Summary standards in mHealth apps

New Publication from Trillium II project

As one of the results from Trillium II, a H2020 project which has just successfully finished, a scientific article “A review of successful initiatives and models on Patient Summary standards in mHealth apps” has been published in the Journal of Ageing and Innovation.

The paper provides an overview of successful initiatives on International Patient Summary (IPS) standards in mHealth apps, analysing existing models both in Europe and worldwide and describing those that are considered to be the most effective in supporting agile deployment.

The authors, Carina Dantas and Valentina Tageo (ECHAlliance), Catherine Chronaki (HL7), Charles Lowe (DHACA) and Alexander Berler (HL7) have performed a desk research on relevant European outcomes on this area, including the framework and results of the open consultation about the Roadmap for Electronic Health record (EHR) standard exchange format.

In particular, the article briefly presents the key trends and prospective developments of this lively market with specific emphasis on what are the most demanded services and features that clients want from an mHealth app, who the key providers are and what the predominant trends are in the evolution of the market.

It also analyzed and categorized the different ways adoption of IPS standards may be prompted, distinguishing the main types of adoption models depending on whether they leverage the influence that such standards might exert on either the demand (government driven models) or the offer of mHealth apps (market driven models). A review of existing certification and accreditation schemes for mHealth EHR functionality is also presented, with a specific focus on significant examples in UK and in Spain – Andalusia and Catalonia.


Trillium II in a nutshell

Trillium-II continued the efforts of Trillium Bridge to achieve progress on its recommended actions and advance adoption of the International patient summary supported by broadly and consistently implemented standards. Starting point for Trillium-II was establishing its global community fostering the practice of digital health innovation. Concrete community actions aimed to bridge, harmonize, evaluate and guide existing and emerging patient summary initiatives, leading the way towards international patient summary standards.

Basically, the project aimed to:

  • Improve international interoperability of Health systems in Europe, the United States, and globally
  • Accelerate adoption of interoperability standards in eHealth with validated open source interoperability assets and tools sharing experiences and lessons learned among standards organizations and patient initiatives
  • Identify key use cases for secure, seamless sharing of patient summaries at personal and population levels.


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