
More than 980 people from 95 Countries tuned into the #DHSSummit22! Check out session recordings here!

More than 980 people from 95 Countries tuned into the #DHSSummit22! Check out session recordings here!

On the 4th and 5th of October 2022 the Digital Health Society and ECHAlliance held the 4th DHS Summit virtually with over 986 registrations from 95 Countries demonstrating that digital health is truly a global market.

2 days programme

Over 986 registers

95 Countries

20 Sessions

50 International Speakers

7  Partners

21 Virtual Exhibitors

Australia, Argentina, Austria, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Czech Republic, China, Cyprus, Croatia, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, England, Estonia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ghana, Georgia, Gambia, Hungary, Haiti, Italy, Ireland, Israel, India, Iceland, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Israel, IKSA, Kosovo, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Malta, Malaysia, Macedonia, Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, North Macedonia, Namibia, Nigeria, Nepal, New Zealand, Portugal, Poland, Peru, Pakistan, Philippines, Palestine, Peru, Romania, Republic of South Africa, Rwanda, Scotland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sierra Leone, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea, Tunisia, Tanzania, Taiwan, Turkey, Thailand, United States, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uganda, Wales, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Highlights included:

Bleddyn Rees, The Digital Health Society’s Chair, and Karolina Mackiewicz, Innovation Director at ECHAlliance, have summarised The Digital Health Society Summit 2022 with 6 takeaways:   

  1. Towards Resilience – Data and digital services have a great potential not only to support the recovery of health systems after the pandemic but also to strengthen health systems and prepare them to face the other crises and challenges of tomorrow. This often requires quick, radical and/or agile responses, which, however, always put the needs of the citizen or patient in the centre leaving no one behind. 
  2. Data is the greatest weapon for healthcare and using data is “a good thing” but this requires an abundance of data, good quality data (standardised, representative, free of biases) and access to data by the researchers, decision makers and practitioners. 
  3. It takes a village – we need even stronger cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder collaboration that follows the systemic approach and whole-of-society approach. To boost this collaboration, we need to assume responsibility – connect the dots within our organisation, city, region, country and across borders – and break down silos. Only with this inclusive and whole population approach, will we  beat the fragmentation of data, solutions and policies.As we have said before Healthcare should know no borders.
  4. Digital Health is the “connector” for European Citizens, patients, Member States and the European Commission. We must all work to make the European Health Data Space a success. The European Presidencies have the potential to provide even more leadership for digital health and the European Health Data Space.
  5. The Stay Left and Shift Left 10x strategy championed by the Republic of Ireland both in Europe and at the United Nations offers exciting possibilities for health systems. Both the ECHAlliance Ecosystems and the Global Health Connector will support its development and implementation.
  6. Trust is still the essential key to the success of digital health. It has to be earned, demonstrated and never taken for granted. Across Europe cultures vary and impact the trust in public organisations. Much work is needed to build greater trust across all member states and to explain the benefits of digital health and health data access, use and reuse.

Learn more about the Digital Health Society Summit 2022 here


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