
ICS 5-Step Toolkit for Digitising Transitions of Care in 2023

ICS 5-Step Toolkit for Digitising Transitions of Care in 2023
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As the health and care ecosystem becomes more joined-up, is your ICS looking for innovative ways to bridge information and communication gaps during transitions of care? Digital processes and platforms that enable successful care transitions better support patients and close feedback loops between providers. The path forward is digital. Here is Strata Health’s roadmap.

Step 1: Make the Case for Change


Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) do not have immediate access to downstream services or their availability. Across health and care, it is difficult to identify and place patients into the best care package or care home based on patient preference and need.

Step 2: Identify Information Gaps


The services clinicians do know about and can access are typically just a fraction of all services present and available within any given ICS.

SOURCE: Anonymised NHS Survey

Step 3: Streamline Processes with Digital Workflows


Strata PathWays is a robust, system-wide platform that connects all actors within an ICS, so that
MDTs can quickly leverage services offered, access criteria required, capacity of services, and a single referral system to manage transitions of care.

Our software transforms cumbersome and outdated referral processes into an easy-to-use digital platform designed to automate patient flow.

Step 4: Advance Digitally Enabled Integrated Care Systems

This joined up digital process can be applied not only to LTC beds, but to ALL services across a patch. ‘Any to Any’ assessment, triage, and eReferral, provides a fully connected transfer of care system for health, social care, third sector, and others.

Step 5: Seamlessly Join-Up Disparate EPR Systems

Strata PathWays integrates directly with most EPR Systems, including NHS ERS, allowing providers to securely access and share patient records for more coordinated, efficient care.

Future State

  • More health and care options,
  • More complexity around native EPR / case management systems,
  • And added operational boundaries across wider area systems.

To learn more, contact Strata Health UK’s Chief Executive office today.
+44 (0) 7907 863342 |

Discover more about Strata Health:

With over 20 years of experience in the patient care industry, Strata Health is the leading provider of intelligent, digital tools for resource allocation, patient transitions, and patient flow innovation. Strata Health supports healthcare clients on three continents, helping over 1.5 million patients worldwide get the care they need faster. Their software solutions are improving the healthcare experience for patients, clinicians, and health jurisdictions around the world.


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