ABC UK gives grants under two annual schemes:
- ABC UK Improving Outcomes for Patients Programme
- ABC UK Nursing Grants Programme
ABC UK IOPP is an annual small grants programme dedicated to bladder cancer. Launched in November 2016, it is the only grants programme in the UK to focus solely on bladder cancer, and is aimed at encouraging work to directly improve outcomes and patient experience for those with bladder cancer. The programme is designed to focus on small, innovative projects that can demonstrate clear outcomes and improve knowledge, enable change and have a direct impact on patient experience. There is little research investment in bladder cancer or improving outcomes for those with bladder cancer or their experience as a patient – and the programme’s aim is to actively encourage work which will have an impact and also act as a catalyst to encourage other projects.
The grants programme is open to a wide range of applicants – those in primary care, urologists, cancer specialists and researchers. Our view of what constitutes an eligible project is deliberately broad – for example, projects might be aimed at improving patient experience in a practical setting, improving early diagnosis in primary care, focus on improving or developing treatments, be a data led piece of research or a lab-based project.
The Andrew Meadows Award
As part of the IOPP grants, a special ‘in memory’ research award is given each year to the project which the panel judges to be most deserving. The Andrew Meadows Award will be given to the project we consider to be the outstanding project from the submissions we receive to the annual IOPP grant round. We wish to commemorate Andrew Meadows, who sadly died from bladder cancer in 2018: this special award is in his memory. We thank Andrew’s family for their generosity in supporting vital research into bladder cancer.
Please read the IOPP 2025 Grant guidelines and all applications must use the application form:
IOPP 2025 Grant Guidelines: ABCUK IOPP 2025 Guidelines Primary Care Research and Clinical.pdf
IOPP 2025 Grant Application Form: ABCUK IOPP 2025 APPLICATION FORM.docx